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4 great books to help prepare for a successful career in fashion

By Aileen Yu


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Besides interning at a top fashion company, networking at events, reading the right books can also better prepare you for a successful career in fashion. With the holidays around the corner, a book in fashion know-how can be a great gift idea for those still adding to their knowledge of the industry or professionals who want to propel their fashion career to the next level. FashionUnited has rounded up a list of helpful books by fashion experts available now via Bloomsbury Publishing and Fairchild Books Store.

Fashion Buying: From Trend Forecasting to Shop Floor

Written by industry experts, the book features in-depth interviews, business case studies and inspiring images while breaking down the career of fashion buying into five key chapters. Incorporating industry focused exercises and activities, this is the go-to handbook for fashion marketing, merchandising and buying students. With over 20 years of experience in fashion buying and fast fashion retail, David Shaw and Dimitri Koumbis offers you an insider’s perspective through their experiences from how to find buying inspiration to the most up-to-date information on retail typology.

Guide to Fashion Entrepreneurship

Interested in launching your own fashion brand or an artisan aspiring to sell your designs on an e-commerce platform? There is no better time than now as online shopping will continue to expand vastly within the next decade. ‘Guide to Fashion Entrepreneurship’ is a step-by-step guide that will lead you through the creation of a brand to how products are sourced, marketed, channeled and merchandised. Combining creativity with a practical process, this book further dives into topics such as identifying market opportunities and the importance of using interrelationship of allied industries for budding fashion entrepreneurs.

Social Media for Fashion Marketing: Storytelling in a Digital World

In recent years, the digital landscape has entirely transformed the fashion industry. To successfully market a brand, social media and visual storytelling are vital tools that cannot be ignored. The ultimate guide to social marketing, SEO and branding, this book will equip you with the most current industry trends and knowledge. Through numerous digital marketing case studies as well as interviews with industry veterans-Daniel Plenge (Marc Jacobs), Aliza Licht (Donna Karan International), Alistair Allan (Burberry)- the reader will walk away with valuable insights into fashion marketing in a digital world.

The Fashion Industry and Its Careers (3rd Edition)

How have developments in technology, globalization and world economics affected fashion career opportunities? From designing and manufacturing the product until it reaches the customer, this book unravels all sectors of the industry. Under each fashion career, you will learn what the job entails, required education to what role the position plays in the fashion industry. According to Shawn Grain Carter of the Fashion Institute of Technology (USA), “This book is unique because the author discusses stylists, web designers, retailers and more in-depth. This makes the industry careers very current and also global.”

Photos: Pexels, courtesy of Bloomsbury Publishing
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